I like: bumpin' uglies; the horizontal/backseat mambo; dancin' in the sheets; mattress dancing; playing hide the salami/sausage/kielbassa; wild thing; the nasty; buck nasty; pony ride; pussy surf; to uckfay; doin' it; gettin' some; gettin' next to someone; bustin' a nut; smackin' it up, flippin' it and rubbin' it down; tearin' off a piece; tearing off something proper; to hit it, split it, lick it and quit it; waxing/buffin' dat ass; clubbin'; G'in'; munchin' carpet; bonin'; ballin'; baking cookies; bashing the beaver; boffing; bangin'; burying the baby leg/bone/weenie; sinking in; buttering the muffin; boinking; breeding; gettin' some; shooting my wad; givng a facial; a bit of the ol in and out; creamin'; cleaning her pipes; cleaning the carpet; drillin'; driving; wick dipping; doin' the deed; doing the chores; feedin' the kitty; getting your freak on; getting your nut on; getting my rocks off; shagging;

giving her the high hard one; stuffing the beaver; hosing her; getting it on; having a nooner; hittin' it; the Humpty Dance; humpin'; give the hot beef injection; knocking boots/sneakers/house shoes; layin' pipe; goin' halfies on a baby; making babies/bacon; mounting her; doin' the Mommy-Daddy dance; gettin' Nookie; doing the naughty;

parking the beef bus in Tunatown; parting the Pink Sea; playing doctor; poking her; poke her in the whiskers; pumpin' it; quickies; romps; ringing her bells; rammin'; rolls in the hay; fuckin'.
This is the Home Depot of the sexual euphemisms. I think you've got them all, at least in English...
Wow. We like eactly the same things.
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