21 December 2005

An Intervention

“Fuck off!” she barked sinking her booted foot into his rolls of belly fat. Luis released her arm with a barely audible groan and folded himself into a fetal position, expelling a billow of gas as he did so.

“Pig,” she muttered. Lucy had had enough. Clothed or not she was getting out of there.

Just then Romeo stood, flattening his ears and opening his eyes so wide Lucy could see the white rings around his irises. Fearing another dog attack, she backed into the sink. But instead of attacking, Romeo started pacing the room, panting and whimpering; sometimes stopping and staring anxiously at his mistress.

“Romeo, come,” the blind woman commanded, slapping her thigh repeatedly. “Let’s go.”

‘Not before me,’ Lucy thought easing herself along the sink towards the door, keeping her eyes on the agitated dog as she did so.

Then for a moment she felt a swaying vertigo. Grabbing the edge of the sink, Lucy closed her eyes to try to regain her balance. The sensation passed and she opened her eyes, but then felt a more intense jerking motion.

By this time Romeo was barking frantically. Lucy’s eyes darted around the room as she tried to identify the source of the turbulence.

“Earthquake!” shouted Bob. He braced his arms against the walls of the toilet stall, his chewed penis wagging against his thighs.

For a moment Lucy and Bob stared at each other and then Lucy lurched forward, seizing the older woman’s arm to keep from falling.

“My God,” the woman shrieked, “My God!”

Frenchy pitched forward into the woman, grabbed at her coat and then fell backwards onto the floor, bringing the woman and Lucy down on top of him.

The tremor abruptly stopped and, within seconds, water began drizzling from the ceiling.

Lucy lay on top of the heap for a moment and then rolled onto the marble floor. The cool water from the sprinkler system rained down on her, sending rivulets over her breasts and down her abdomen where it pooled in her navel before disappearing between her thighs.

It felt good… like a baptism… like the debauchery of the past hour was being washed away. The only sound getting into her head was the whoosh-whoosh of the water. She was reluctant to open her eyes, knowing that Bob, Luis, the blind woman and her dog-slash-lover, her own former lover and the woman in the fur coat would still be there in various stages of undress and sexual fulfillment.

Finally, as if from a great distance, Lucy heard a thumping sound. And then suddenly it seemed to be right next to her.

Groaning, Lucy slowly pulled herself up onto her knees and wiped the water from her face. When she opened her eyes she saw the blind woman banging on the bathroom door.

Then she saw the older woman, still face down on top of Frenchy, her fur coat half on and half off.

Without a second thought, Lucy stood up, pulled the coat off the woman, slipped her arms into it and walked to the door. Pushing the blind woman aside she gave it a tug. But it wouldn’t budge.

“Are we trapped?” she heard the older woman shriek?

Lucy turned around and considered the woman’s question. It was then that she noticed something she hadn’t noticed before.

Under the fur coat, the woman was dressed in nothing but black silk stockings, a black garter belt and a sheer lace camisole. Under these delicate fabrics was the hard body of a man.

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