28 June 2006

I LOVE pink cupcake!

"Pink cupcake? If by that, you mean pussy, then I LOVE pink cupcakes," he said as he grabbed her hand and led her into a nearby bathroom stall. Women were coming and going in the bathroom. They adjusted their bras, applied make-up and a couple of them peed in the stall next to them.

Behind the thin metal walls, oblivious to the glances from the patrons, he tore off her pink panties, found the aptly named "cupcake" which was sweet, moist and tasty to the eyes. He then ripped his own trousers and underwear down and thrust his dick with a sense of urgency into her pussy. It was as wet as a kiss and offered just enough resistance to elicit a moan from her.

They then fucked like drunken bakers in an endless, Willy Wonka style pink cupcake factory.

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